Sunday, April 17, 2016

Moving on .....

My last post was in 2012....its now been almost 3 years since.... I have written anything on this blog,its not like I have not written or  did not want to write.... its just that life was teaching me new lessons and I was learning to cope with what was happening and has taken me this much time to evolve and come back to being me again... some body had once said to me life takes your exam first and then gives you lesson....this was exactly what was happening to me...

I underwent surgery which developed complications....was in ICU for a while and it took three months in hospital to recover and rehabilitate my self ....overcame this is when had few personal tragedies ....which I rather not talk between all this underwent three IVF treatment...may be time was not right for us to be parents so...this is when  we (me and KK) decided...kk my husband...lets move on we are just getting trapped in the vicious cycle....We decided to move on .....moved to a new place started studying again...slowly life was coming back with the lesson...cliched but true...Let go and move on...

So after all this happening in past I have moved on and today restarting and writing on my blog again...with aim to help me be my self again and just enjoy what I do...

happy to be back and writing....

Till next time ....

take care and be safe...


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