We are what we think and our identity is shaped by our belief system. we make our choices and decisions in life based on these believes. we form them by observing people around us by understanding what is expected out of us.
To these ideas we add our own assumptions based on meaning we attach to our experiences in life. This leads to us making conclusions in life based on how things have worked for us in past. This leads to adopting our belief which then becomes our world view. This is the world view act upon in our life.
These interpretation of the world around us is based on our interaction with the world.
Question is:
How do these belief limit us or creates barrier for our own growth?
most of the time we do things to fit in, to confirm, to belong or to relate to people around us rather than focusing on being ourselves.
This creates conflict between what we want to be and how we perceive things. these limiting believes become main cause for cognitive distortion and limits us to achieve our full potential...
Limiting believes are reinforced ideas which are unhelpful.
There are three main categories of limiting belief:
first is core identity we form of our selves (Who am I!)...
In this limiting idea we create set of ideas and belief about ourselves. We box ourselves based on what others think of us in certain categories and roles. These roles create our limitations.
Second is core abilities (What I can do!)
In this limiting idea we restrict ourselves in our abilities. we hold on to certain norms and restrict our abilities. this leads to making us unacceptable to change and we hold back ourselves without realizing our full potential.
Third and final limiting is Our ability to learn and solve problem (How can I do!)
in this limiting idea we restrict our capacity to learn and solve problem. Here fear plays an important role. It restricts us from trying and boxes us in social conformity. we limit ourselves by reinforcing the idea "I Can't ".
These limiting believes can be changed by changing our perspective. it is a process which can take time and be challenging.
This change happens when we change ourselves from being reactive to proactive. Once we are proactive we take responsibility for change and become open, receptive and appreciative towards changing belief.
till next time when we will discuss more of these limiting believes and how to overcome them...
take care and stay safe..