Saturday, October 22, 2016


What is a promise …?

Promise to love to be together or promise to serve with pride…
Promise that stole a heart or a promise that is to save and protect…
Promise to be together forever or a promise to sacrifice everything forever…
Promise to hold on when things get difficult or promise to let go when choices are difficult…
Why do I feel the pain of every broken promise yet not from the choices?

What is a promise…?
Promise to give one’s life protecting faces or promise to come back to face we love…
Promise to be there for every birthday party or promise to be there for next anniversary…
Promise never to walk away or promise to hold on…
Promise of rising sun or promise of dusty roads..
Why do I not cry on every unanswered question yet on every answer?

What is a promise…?
Promise to love, promise wait, promise to smile, promise to share or promise to carry on …
Promise to sacrifice, promise to honor, promise to camaraderie, promise to an oath or promise to uniform…
Why do I keep them close to my heart yet close my heart to these promises?

What is a promise…?
Promise to keep up with pride in my every stride…
 Promise I made to a man and his uniform,
Promise that whenever a promise is broken my tears will have pride, my heart will have courage and my life will be honored…

Promise to see joy in lives I don’t know, smiles on faces I never met…
Promise for a smiling face, promise of a warm hug, promise to be back…

I now know promise is hope, promise is love, promise is being together even when apart, promise is my wait to see my soldier in uniform…