Thursday, May 26, 2011


As Evening splits into pieces,
an hour at a time to belong a deep void inside,
Wanting to belong to self...

carrying yet dragging,
Dreaming yet awake,
to shores of uncertain future...
A gift for u my love...My life,my dreams,My soul..

As my perpetual dream amalgamates with desire,
A brilliant ray of gold crosses the sky like a dream broken in haste,

to the wishes I bury today, for the all those i have buried already,
I shall wake up to your realization at the threshold of our destiny .....

Oh! my dream tell me what you wish for today.....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Horizon is far walking is long,
I look at you, as dreams are gone,
sands of time passing....I know not if u r for real or
a dream which came true with u here,

I hope our ways I walk along with passing time,
destny has us together but do we really belong?
our paths have crossed on sands of time..

I realise,that we belong to us,not U, not Me but US...
I wake up to this dream holding your hands...
knowing that sands of time is passing by...